Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Avatar mod

It's been a while since I've posted so here's an update. I got tired of painting my FlameGuard Unit (down to the details now) so I've decided to modify my Avatar because I find that the stock look of the model doesn't do it justice. This is definitely the biggest modification that I've tackled so far and in order to do it right and hack the ugly mofo to pieces, I ended up buying a saw. The saw works great and is quite precise, I was quite surprised. I first decide to extend all the limbs and make him a little taller and leaner. Once all the pinning was complete I tried to position him in a pose that isn't too static... no success. It just looked like he was running... not quite the look that I wanted. I then decided to base him on a wreck as if he was had just killed it. At first I thought of getting a Khador wreck since there are so many Khador players out there and I would be able to piss off the maximum number of opponents. (Haha) I ended up basing him on a cryx wreck since it wasn't overly bulky and had decent positioning areas. In the end I was quite satisfied with the pose.
I still have to pin the head, add tons of green stuff, perhaps modify the sword (depending on my molding abilities with the limbs) and I'm still debating in adding the "battledressing" or keeping him bare.
Here's what it looks like so far.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. He's now way more impressive, being so tall! He seems more proportionnate too, and the pose seems to be more natural than the normal one...
    good job so far, I like a lot the legs with both pins

  2. Aaaaah ca c'est nice Al! J'ai jamais aimé l'Avatar car je le trouvais trop statique et bulky. Mais là ca fait plus de sens. Bravo!

    Je pense qu'il gagnerait encore plus si tu lui posais les drapés. Justement pour couvrir ces nouveaux "espaces" que tu lui a créés. :) C'est mon opinion, du moins.

    Nicely done !

    - Yaum
